This week's learning curve for me was to focus on the research method.  How did I want to go about answering the questions I have?  The Twitter session discussions have been extremely helpful for me.  My focus is not on student success or growth, my research focus is on the effectiveness of a new program added to our district.  I am looking at this as it relates to our New Alaska ELA Standards.  Having the luxury of unlimited time to look at each standard and each writer's workshop lesson as it relates to the standard is not something I, nor any teacher has.  The ability to ask my fellow kindergarten teachers about this new program and how they see its effectiveness in the classroom is priceless.  I am prepared to hear information from them that I may not even have considered.  I would like to continue my research over the rest of the year to effectively create age/grade-appropriate writing workshop lessons for my kindergarten students.

Coming up with focused questions is my struggle.

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