This week:

     I hosted Tuesday's Tweet session.  This was a lot of fun.  I've come a long way from not even knowing what a tweet was only a couple of months ago!  I can now navigate myself around TweeDeck!

     I bought and downloaded a new app, "Too Loud".  This was mentioned in someone's blog I read last week. Sorry, I do not remember who it was, but THANK YOU!   It works wonders in my classroom.

     I opened my classroom to my principal for her to practice with our new teacher evaluation tool, iObservation.  She came in and observed for 15 minutes and entered her data directly into the computer.  She submitted it and we both looked at the results.  It is a great program and I look forward to this new method of receiving valuable feedback.  The old model was not very useful.

     I think I can honestly say I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  The step-by-step process has made this overwhelming project more manageable. I have learned a lot.  For one I have increased my technological vocabulary: Word clouds, Twitter, Weebly, TweetDeck, Survey Monkey to name a few.

This week:  I plan to continue writing my paper and I hope to use some of the technology mentioned by my classmates to illustrate my data.  I have only just written my results in narrative form.

What I have learned though my PLN:  I still have much more to research as we continue with Writer's Workshop throughout the year.  My grade-level team as well as my principal are very interested in my results.

10/27/2013 07:29:08 am

Great job hosting twitter! I read your blog at the beginning of this project and have been hopping to others in class. What are you finding that you expected or didn't expect? How are your kids liking the writers workshop? I am hoping to continue using my strategies after class as well. I look forward to seeing your results.

10/27/2013 04:36:56 pm

It was my blog... and you're most welcome! Yay for PLN's!!! I'm glad that you're getting more proficient at Twitter. I'm still not as proficient at it as I would like to be. I will have to look into iObserve. That certainly does sound useful. I bet it would help for supporting teachers as a tech/lit coach.

10/28/2013 02:49:56 am

Great job hosting this past week Michelle! I feel that I have gotten more from my Twitter sessions now that I've hosted one.

I bookmarked the iObservation app you mentioned. I'm interested in hearing some of the differences between that and other forms of evaluation you've encountered.


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